Nature Bag Videos


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Shopping with Nature Bag - Video

Nature Bags - handmade using JungleVine® Fiber - are perfect for grocery, supermarket, or farmer's market shopping. They are remarkably strong and stretchy. Follow Heather, a busy mom, as she hauls her groceries and cute baby Isaac home from the grocery store and see these great eco-friendly bags put to use.

Meet Khmu Artisan Huk - Video

Since its inception, the Nature Bag Project has had a tremendous positive impact in remote Khmu villages. Artisans like Huk have the opportunity to earn income while working in their homes and villages, preserving traditional Khmu culture.

Nature Bag - Earth's Greenest Bag® - Video

5000-year-old Khmu culture shares its its reusable, sustainable, stretchable, homemade bag, made from wild-growing JungleVine® with the modern world. Privately funded non-profit poverty reduction project turns an ancient tool into a superior organic carrying device for modern green living.


Organic-Please Reviews Nature Bag - Video

Not only are the bags organic, sustainable, eco-friendly, biodegradable and stain resistant; they also support an anti poverty project. So many karma points! See what Organic-Please has to say about Nature Bags.


How to Make a Nature Bag - Video

Nine-minute documentary showing indigenous Asians making eco-friendly reusable bags from wild-growing JungleVine®. Nature Bags are beautiful, versatile, stretchable, minimalistic, eco-friendly and an example of sustainable style. The miraculous fiber made from JungleVine® is incredibly strong, durable and gently grips its cargo to protect it. Nature Bags are Earth's Greenest Bag® because the wild-growing material (fiber) is gathered by hand, and they are made at home, allowing preservation of traditional life without the wasteful practice of commuting. If a Nature Bag eventually wears out, it is biodegradable. As it decomposes, it releases captured carbon into the soil. The bags weigh virtually nothing so that worldwide distribution requires minuscule fossil-fuel energy.


Nature Bag: Handmade and Humanitarian - Video

 A brief but comprehensive summary of Nature Bags the Khmu artisans who make them -- all in less than two minutes.



Nature Bag Earth Day 40 - Video

In honor of the 40th Earth Day celebration, the Khmu culture links the modern world to its reusable, sustainable, homemade tote, made from wild-growing JungleVine®. Privately funded poverty reduction project turns an ancient tool into the Earth's Greenest Bag, a superior vegan carrying device for modern zero-waste eco-friendly living. 

Searching for Khmu Artisans in Northern Laos - Video

Six volunteers spent 10 days driving 2,400 km through six northern Laos provinces, searching for villages where the knowledge about crafting Earth’s Greenest Bag® still exists.


The Forest is Our Life - Video

This is a documentary by Rachel Clarke about the Khmu (also Khamu or Kammu), the indigenous people of Northern Laos and makers of the JungleVine® Nature Bag.